Explore yourself
I am the kind of person who constantly reflect and want to improve an aspect of my life. I reflect selectively and choose my desired improvements purposefully. This allows me to explore my own opinions, values and limitations. I don't reach the optimum results at first and I don't expect that either. It is through consistent and meaningful exploration of my thoughts and behavior that I expand my knowledge of myself. Psychologically, we have four spheres My attempt is always to expand my known self and definitely shrink the unknown self and get more insight on my blind self. It takes conscious and persistent effort to accomplish that. My first strategy is to listen to myself when I talk, in private and public. I want to hear my voice and my opinions, from the tone and pitch of my voice to the choice of words and the quality of my thoughts. It works wonders. So listen to yourself as you talk to others. How are you talking? What are you saying? After a few observations, you kn...