Denial is the first step of failure.
You read all kinds of quotes about "denial" and how it is bad for you. I agree. One way denial can hurt you is it brings you closer to failure. When you deny your own responsibility in your mistakes, you fail to learn the lesson. When you deny you made a mistake in the first place, you deny yourself growth and change. When you deny you need to change, you are getting ready to settle in a hole and wait for misery to be dumped on you. Denial has its perks which makes it very popular with lazy people. When you deny, you are putting the blame on someone else and so you win the blame game. When you deny, you don't have to change or do anything different and that makes life easier. Oh the luxury to have to no accountability and responsibility towards yourself and others is so precious. Sometimes, we go the extra mile to obtain that luxury. Imagine how privileged it sounds when we issue the verdict that someone else was at fault and now has to pay the price and acquit oursel...