Set your limit and follow it!

I was listening to a book in my car today and one sentence really captured my attention. "set limit to your worry and once you have reached that limit, stop worrying about that one thing."
It is like budgeting. We set a limit on how much money we will spend on groceries, clothing, and dining out. We budget our time by limiting how much TV we watch and browse social media sites (hopefully we are doing so). So why not set limit on our worrying habit. We often worry ourselves crazy paranoid about the past or the future. We use our energy as if it is an infinite source.
We pick our favorite worry and spend countless hours ruminating over it, creating worst case scenarios, predicting reactions and misfortunes and get paranoid about it. If this process is interrupted by sleep, work and other daily obligations, we pick up where we have left off and carry on as soon as we get the chance.
So here is a tip on how to cap your worry, decide how much time you will invest in worrying about each event first. Then keep track of it so once you have reached that amount of time or energy, you can tell yourself to stop. I mean you have so much more to worry about. What about all other past ruminations and future speculations in your life waiting on the list for your worry? You have to be fair to all the problems by giving them each fair amount of time and energy to worry about. Once you have reached your worry limit for one topic, you have to stop worrying about that topic and move on to the next.
It is a simple principle that you expect others to follow, respect your limits. You have to extend the same courtesy to  yourself. Set your limit on how much you will worry about one issue and once you reach that limit, you have to stop. Budget your energy and time properly so you will have enough for other worry-inducing issues in your daily life. They all deserve their share of your time so they can trigger specific anxiety and stress in you.
For some people, night time is break time. For others, it is the same circus with a different background. Some of us can lay our head on the pillow, close our eyes and drift away in a dark place with no disturbance. However, some of us may only get few minutes break until night shift worries step in and work their shift.

#worry #lifelesson


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