Who lives upstairs?

December and January were difficult months for me. My depression took over and made me miserable. Its physical manifestations were server neck and shoulder pain. Thanks to my amazing Chiropractor, DO and therapist, I am back on track. For the most part.
Here are some points I've learned that I would like to share:

  • A chiropractor visit is more beneficial than massage sessions when you are suffering from chronic pain. 
  • If you MD is reluctant, go to a DO. Have your copper and histamine levels tested! Imbalance of those chemicals can cause chaos in your mind and body. 
  • Seeing a therapist is invaluable in assessment and development of proper coping skills. 
  • Allow yourself to feel. 
  • Keep a healthy diet. Fried food, junk food, and cookies don't fix anything. 
  • You can say No to taxing demands and expectations. 
  • It is ok to be depressed, cry and stay in bed for a little while. But don't make that your new routine. 
  • Meditation can do wonders. 
As my chiropractor said, you have to check who is living upstairs. Sometimes, we allow a guest to unpack and take permanent residence upstairs. A temporary emotion can perpetuate our thoughts for a long time and gradually take over our mind. People who lived through trauma may carry those feelings subconsciously for the rest of their lives. Fear and anxiety will grow to control our thoughts and perceptions over time. Here are some tips and trick on reclaiming your mind:
  • Mindfulness practices, especially early morning, will set the tone for your day. 
  • Meditation has proven to change the chemistry of the brain. Believe it. 
  • Take care of your physical pain (Maslow's hierarchy of need).
  • Replace negative thoughts, don't distract yourself.
  • Don't take on more in an attempt to resolve your worry and anxiety. Instead, declutter your expectations and your thoughts. 
Good luck. 

#lifehacks #anxiety #depression #mindfulness 


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