Your knight in shinning armor

I had lived my early years of life under an oppressive regime, in a state of constant unknown, and hopeless future. As a girl, I couldn't dream to be independent and have an individual identity. I had to be someone's daughter, sister, wife or mother. My parents were torn between keeping us safe and giving us hope.
I sometimes took refuge in my imaginations, where I was placed in a very different society where I could be my own person. One of these imaginary paths were running away to a foreign land with a male companion who would protect me and also allow me to become my own person, my knight in shinning armor.
When I finally did come to the land of opportunity and freedom, I was overwhelmed. I wanted to do so many things with very limited capabilities. My imaginations had fooled my mind and my expectations by tricking my mind to believe that I was capable of more that I actually could do. I had a major gap between my new reality and my unrealistic expectations. Thus began my struggles.
Fast forward to now, I know better than to let my imaginations fool me again.
Envisioning your future can be helpful but don't let imaginations take you to a far land of fantasy from where return will be a rude awakening. Keep track of your goals and keep count of your skills and potentials. Make sure what you want to do matches your capabilities. If not, draw the map and find out where you can make improvements. Do you need an academic degree, a life coach, a health consultant, an accountability buddy, a new financial plan, or something else?
Also, don't ever underestimate the power of smart work. There is no substitute for it. You can inherit a kingdom, but if you don't work smart, it won't last you long enough. Don't let roadblocks, laziness and shinny things distract you. Don't let Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest be your guide. Have fun and relieve stress as needed. But go back to basics, education, smart work, networking, ethics, honesty and common sense should be woven deeply in your plans of action.

#envision #lifelesson


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