Is Balancing Act for women only?

Gender equality.
Philosophy, religion, science, and history have been trying to define and implore gender equality with minimum success. Why is it called a Man's world when in reality they wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for women? Why is the balancing act targeted at women? Why do women have to balance career, family and much more? Who gave men the pass to not deal with the same conflicts as women?
Why don't TV shows and magazine articles dispense advice for men on how to win over women and please their partners in bed better? I am not even going to bring the superficial issue of youth and how and why women need to keep young appearance. That's a separate discussion.
Why do women sit around telling other women how to please their husbands while taking care of their children and owning a professional career? Why don't they advise men on how to participate in house chores with their wives and how to behave with their female coworkers?
We have been telling girls to behave a certain way for centuries while not addressing the issue of masculinity. Why is "boys will be boys" an acceptable term?
We are making some overdue progress in elevating women in the society, but we are not addressing the widespread passive oppression of women. TV shows, magazines, social media (clips, articles and etc.) all have separate messages for men and women. The husband is grilling while the wife is decorating and getting vegetables ready. The man is raggedy while the woman is polished and decorated. All the man gets to do is work and drink while the woman has to work, raise kids, clean the house, look enticing, maintain independence and some more. When the marriage falls apart, or kids are screw-ups or business project is flawed, women are questioned.
Most of the time, it looks like a jungle out there, Men vs. Women. How I see it is that women are set up to fail by the mere design of the society and its expectations of women. The idea of harmony between and coexistence of men and women seem like an alien idea only endorsed by some celebrities as a luxury.
The balancing act wouldn't be so complicated if a partnership existed between men and women in the society. If mutual respect and understanding existed between men and women at home and at the workplace, women wouldn't have to do it all by themselves. Instead of teaching women "the balancing act," inform them of available options. Please advise men on pursuing a balancing act at home and work. Please educate men on establishing partnerships with their female counterparts. Mutual respect for each others' intelligence, gender, effort, and achievements is the basis of a harmonious existence. This is an established fact. We know the destination, we just haven't figured out how to get there yet. One way is to educate men and teach boys to respect women and girls. That's the balancing act.
#thebalancingact #genderequality #heforher


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