Protecting my Energy

Life has been kind and kindly crazy towards me in the last 4 months. I think all the chaos is catching up with me. I am getting on the edge again. My body is screaming again, from weight gain, irregular period and stubborn acne to mood swings, sleep disturbance, and brain fog.
Yes, I know some tips and tricks. But now is not the time to preach or point fingers. There is no judgment in healing, and that is what I need, healing. Counting my blessings: I am not displaying self-destructive behavior, I am staying financially sane and trying to keep hope alive.
Yet I am feeling misplaced, at the mercy of chance, short of breath and running out of patience.
I need a day or two or half day to myself. I can afford the time but don't know what to do. My physical symptoms are overwhelming, and I know it will take me months to recover from it all. I don't have the energy for it this time.


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